Posted in October 2011

Trust ~

Sometimes you just have to trust that where you are being led is the right place for you however scary it feels to jump, you are always supported often by invisible forces, relax and breathe it’s all ok. Trust in the universal power that got you this far and in your own consciousness to move … Continue reading

So What Are Your Dreams?

If you get stuck or are bored with a currrent situation it’s great to re-focus on your dreams. Sometimes we don’t give ourselves permission to really dream our lives into being.  We stay with the familiar and the comfortable and that’s fine as long as you are enjoying your life. For what is the point … Continue reading

You are Everything and Nothing

  You are everything and nothing, you are the you that you see and the you that you don’t, you are everything yet to be discovered and more, you are only limited by your own imagination of who you can truly become. You are an infinite spirit circling the universe in a huge galaxy. You … Continue reading