My Music ……

Hope you enjoy my  songs  –  written  and sung by Sally Francis ,  production by Wiggzaro Vise …best heard with headphones …. infuse yourself with positivity  ❤

I aim to inspire you with my music and to touch your soul and spirit to empower you to step into your destiny with fearless courage and heart based consciousness. I have been inspiring children and adults all my life in various forms through teaching and  coaching and I and have loved being a creative mentor to thousands over the years.

Now my messages are taking a musical form of their own  through song writing and lyrics.

Blessings and love  Sally x

If you like my music , you are able to purchase at the soundcloud site or Bandcamp site on this page .

I’d so love  to hear  your feedback !   Do sign up to stay in touch  with  my messages, I’d be honoured to send them to you.

“Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having it’s own function and character, contributes to the whole.” – Pythagoras (569-475 BC)

21 thoughts on “My Music ……

    • thankyou angel for all your encouragement to keep singing.. can’t believe you are singing it in the garden , that’s wonderful hope the plants it too and your lovely voice . sure they do !! ….
      .many blessings !!

  1. …how truly melodic and gentle and beautiful. ..I felt I was floating on clouds, dreaming dreams and dancing on rainbows. Thank you so very much Sally…keep singing your song and shining your light. Abundant love and bountiful blessings, Kam xxx

  2. This is fantastic music. I can definitely see it in a West End show. Andrew Lloyd Webber … are you listening!! You are such a talented singer/song writer. Loved it! Janet

    • Very kind of you Janet it was lovely meeting you today and chatting , really good luck with all your ventures and your poetry ..Thanks for the encouragement Never say Never to anything… Thanks for purchasing very kind of you. I had a great music producer Wiggzaro

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