Wall of Affirmations and Great things to do EFT Tapping On

  • Affirmations act on the subconscious.  By stating things in the present tense a number of times they start to enter your subconscious – a bit like being your own loving parent. Try saying them out loud to yourself in the mirror  and writing them down – they work
  • If you combine them with EFT tapping you take them to a whole new level

I work doing the work that I love to do everyday and serve the planet that feels in harmony with my highest vibration

I feed my soul with creative things that me  come alive I allow myself to do that

I am open and receptive to changes that enhance and embrace me stepping into the visions that I hold for myself

I am open to opportunities to feed and grow my soul in the most marvellous of ways

I am surround myself with people who support and uphold my vision in life – I am loved !

I treat myself with kindness and Iove and approve of myself

I nuture myself in kind ways and treat my body with respect and loving kindness .

I honour my family and my parents knowing that they did the best they could for me on their soul journey and I accept that I am on my journey and it may not be the same as theirs and I accept this.

I know that my children’s journey is their journey and they may stumble and fall along the way and I don’t have to always pick them up as that’s how they learn to grow and be in the world.

I understand that at time I make mistakes but that’s ok I am a child of the universe who is doing the best I can even as an adult  🙂

I am always in the right place at the right time doing the things I love with the people I love and care about

I love money and money loves me we all love money as it sets us free to do the work we love to do in the world

Money is only energy coming through other people for all the great work we do in the world

I honour and respect my gifts to the world knowing that I am open and receptive to being paid for my worth , I am worthy

I love and respect myself and allow money to flow to me in every increasing quantities for the work I do

I open my arms to receive the wealth I deserve knowing that it fuels my continued journey on the planet

I am an open channel for divine inspiration……. I open my heart with love to all things that are for my highest good and my souls nurture and my own spiritual growth and the growth of the planet. 


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