Deep Inner Peace and Harmony……. (meditation )

Sally Francis

Deep Inner Peace and Harmony....... (.meditation )

Imagine yourself laying on the earth looking up at a beautiful willow tree swaying in the wind, connect with the energy of the tree that’s grounded and safe and very connected to the centre of the earth.

Feel the branches of the tree caressing your face and feel the arms of the branches,holding you in an energetic embrace of great love and healing.

Listen to the birds speaking their tiny songs of love as you lie safely cocooned in this timeless energy of nature.

See the sun glinting through the rustling leaves and blessing every cell in your body with love and golden light

You are at peace now your mind has cleared and you are rested and restored by the ancient wisdom of the great willow washing all your cares and worries away with her wisdom  and breathing new life into every cell of your body and your genetic…

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