Posted in February 2021

LOVE THE HEART OF YOU… HEART CO¬HERENCE. In any given moment you can choose to see the rain or choose to see the sunshine… breathe sunshine into your 50,000,000,000,0000 (fifty trillion cells ) Your heart has more magnetic and electrical energy running through it than your brain. When you are happy and unified and aligned your heart and your brain act in a coherent energetic state. Your body and brain can also be earthed by connecting to the earth through barefoot connections to the earth, you literally dispel any negative charge of your body by earthing your selves and your heart starts to act more coherently. In any given moment you can choose to see the rain or choose to see the sunshine… breathe sunshine into your 50,000,000,000,0000 (fifty trillion cells ) You can also change the activity in your heart and its state by heart breathing and visualisation. Breathe slowly and in your belly. Remember a happy occasion or times when you felt good really, really good, go with the feeling of the experience and really feel the feeling, place your hands on your heart and remember a time when you felt wonderful about something, a you were in a great place or you saw something that made you smile or felt great love about something, this does not have to be a person. All love is you just remembering an experience or a time when you associated a feeling with an experience a place or a person, but YOU gave you the feeling no one else did and at any time you can call that feeling back to you. Feel the feelings if being in the love state and in joy at just being alive and being you. Love the heart of you. Put your hands on your heart and breathe love and sunshine into yourself do this several times a day this will change your physiology on a great scale and other people will begin to notice that there is something different about you… You can choose to re-boot the sunshine whenever you choose…Love Sally XAUTHOR/ INTUTIVE COACH/EFT/SOUL PLANS Copyright 2015 (c) Extract From my book REMEMBER WHO YOU TRULY ARE SALLY J FRANCIS ON AMAZON AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE